Happiness is a Warm Puppy

 In Gay Realty Net Blog

John Doucette is warm, compassionate, caring and nurturing.

A NAGLREP Social Spotlight by Darla Michelsen

John Doucette is a Realtor serving Austin and the surrounding areas

John started his business life for the government as an engineer, and then moved into retail for 11 years in Santa Barbara. John owned a chain of high end clothing Boutiques called the Blue Bee. He spent most of his time working with his customers-including Oprah! No doubt his customers were well taken care of by his nurturing spirit.

A Real Estate Broker in Austin Texas for 3 years, now he has returned to his passion of helping and guiding his customers. I look forward to meeting John because he is already a friend- and who doesn’t love a person who loves DOGS!

Darla Michelsen: Why did you choose to become a Real Estate Broker?

John Doucette: After falling in love with Austin and taking some time off after selling my retail business I decided I wanted to start my own business again. My family did real estate investing so it was in my blood. I also kept coming back to what I most loved in my retail stores was helping my clients and I knew that’s what I wanted to do.

DM: What do you love most about the area that you live and work?

JD: I decided to move to Austin after a trip here and fell in love with how positive the people are and how they kept going and building and living after the market started falling. Austin has amazing energy and I wanted to be a part of it.

DM: What is a social cause you are passionate about?

JD: DOGS!! DOGS! I Love Dogs and Austin is a no kill city and they are all fostered. Austin Pets Alive! Is an organization that I support and am very passionate about.

DM:What are your hobbies? or what do you like to do with your free time?

JD: Collecting really interesting vintage scales or anything mechanical, spending time with my dogs and I love going to new restaurants.

DM:What are 3 things about you that most people wouldn’t know?

JD: I can walk on my hands, I have a degree in Engineering, and I tested condoms for the government as an engineer.

DM: I don’t think I’ll comment on that ☺

DM: If you could sing one song on American Idol what would it be?

JD: “Happy” by Pharrell Williams.

DM: If you could have any person dead or alive over to dinner who would it be and what would you serve them?

JD: Oprah! She is such a wonderful person. It was an honor to work with her when she shopped in my stores. I would do take-out after calling her assistant to find out a few of her favorite things.

DM: What is your Super Power?

JD: People say that I’m easy to talk to

DM: I would agree and I would say you are very warm and friendly.

DM: What is your Kryptonite?

JD: The unknown.

DM: I’m asking a new question and I’m testing it on you. Answer this question.. If I could turn back time?

JD: The first thing that comes to mind is that my Dad passed away in 2000. He died of a brain tumor and it was evident that he had taken a fall. I have read that some brain tumors are caused by head trauma and if I could turn back time I would remove what it was that caused him to fall.

DM: Answer this question? Before I die I would like to……..

JD: I would like to own a ranch for rescue dogs.

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